Browse Collections (9 total)
Calhoun County School Directories

A collection of images of Calhoun County School directories from 1959 to 1971.
Contributors: Albion District Library (Albion, Mich.)
Red Brick School Collection

This collection contains a series of class photos and a souvenir booklet from the Red Brick School, or Brick School, in District 2 in Emmet…
Contributors: Marshall District Library
Audio and Video Recordings
A collection of various audio and video recordings related to Marshall or Calhoun County history.
Maps Collection

A collection of historical maps from Marshall and Calhoun County.
Historical Photograph Collection

A collection of historical photographs from Marshall and surrounding areas.
Many individuals in photographs are unidentified. Please contact…
City and County Directories

A collection of City of Marshall and Calhoun County directories from the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Contributors: Albion District Library (Albion, Mich.)
Early Church and Cemetery Documents for Calhoun County, Michigan.

A collection of church and cemetery documents, including articles of incorporation and naming of trustees, for 19th-century Calhoun County churches.…
Diaries and Journals

A collection of diaries and journals written by Marshall residents or related to the Marshall community.
Marshall High School Yearbooks

A collection of images of Marshall High School yearbooks from 1899 to 2012. Digitized by Oklahoma Correctional Industries in 2018.
Contributors: Oklahoma Correctional Industries